Sarah Jane Holt has been teaching Reflexology in the U.K since 2008 and has won the coveted Association of Reflexologists Inspirational Tutor of the year award twice in both 2014 and again in 2017.
Sarah learnt from the pioneering work of her Mum, Jane Holt who taught at the South Devon School of Reflexology and has now been practicing Clinical Reflexology for over 20 years.
She is a dedicated and inspiring teacher who teaches many courses in person each year to students in the U.K and also offers the opportunity for online tuition to students all over the world.
Her friendly and affable teaching style makes learning Reflexology accessible, understandable and an enjoyable experience, where anyone can learn Reflexology at home or in the classroom, with expert tuition and guidance every step of the journey.
Sarah’s passion for Reflexology and the skills and techniques she has learnt over the years are evident in the knowledge and expertise and she shares this freely with her students, with continued professional development in Reproductive Reflexology, Spinal Reflexology, Nerve Reflexology, Chi Reflexology, Meridian Therapy and Acupressure Points, Reflexology for Cancer Care, Ayurvedic Medicine and Yoga teacher training.
Sarah also runs a busy practice in Totnes, Devon,treating clients with Clinical Reflexology and Acupressure, with emphasis on both mental and emotional well-being as well as the physical symptoms of imbalance.
Sarah grew up with Reflexology, with her Mum, Jane Holt being one of the pioneers of Reflexology in the U.K in the 1990’s. Jane Holt specialised in Reproductive Reflexology and taught if for many years until she retired in 2009. She still practices today, helping clients with Subfertility issues.

2011-2025 C.P.D Courses in Chi Reflexology, Meridian Therapy, Spinal Reflexology, Reproductive Reflexology, Nerve Reflexology, Reflexes and the Emotions, Reflexology for Women’s Health, Hand Reflexology, Reflexology Lymphatic Drainage, Foot Observational Skills,Hot and Cold Stone Reflexology.
2011 Level 2 N.V.Q End of life/Palliative Care
2009 2nd Degree in R.E.I.K.I.Rissikesh. India
2009 Certificate Course in Yoga Education. Yoga Vidya Gurukul, India.
2008 200 hour Intensive Professional Course in Ayurveda. Ayurvedic Natural Health Centre, India.
2007 Reflexology Working with People with Cancer. Penny Brohn Cancer Care Centre.
2004 A.Q.A Level 3 Diploma in Reflexology. Association of Reflexologists (A.O.R.)
2003 City and Guilds Certificate 7307 Teaching Adult Learners
1991 BTEC National Diploma in Art and Design
1989 First Degree in Radiance Techniqure ( R.E.I.K.I )